Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Yellowstone or Bust!

We arrived in Yellowstone around 3:30 in the afternoon.  At this point we've logged around 513 miles in the car so far.  We reserved two nights at Grant Village Campground so that we would have time to get a feel for the area and how to go about getting one of those 'first come, first serve' camp sites later on.

This map shows our itinerary while we were in Yellowstone:
I decided that we should spend our first full day seeing the main reason everyone comes to Yellowstone.  We set off in the morning for Old Faithful.  We timed our viewing pretty well...we only waited about 45 minutes or so for the big show. 
 There she blows!
It wasn't as enthralling as one might think.  After all the bubbling, blowing, and burping that we were going to see that day it was one of the least impressive shows.  We had fun walking all the boardwalks out to the different geysers, pools, and thermal features.  

The Old Faithful Inn is shown in the background.  It's well worth a trip inside to see the fantastic architecture. 
 Castle Geyser was putting on quite a show:
 Sawmill Geyser:
 Grotto Geyser:
This is the trail map for what we did that first day.  We did continue off the map to the Morning Glory Pool.  We all hiked about 3 miles that day.  The weather was much warmer than we thought it would be in Yellowstone.  It gets pretty hot walking on the boardwalks w/ no shade.  I saw my first bison of the trip walking back towards the inn.

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