Thursday, August 30, 2012

New campground, laundry, and huckleberry margaritas at Many Glacier

Left Avalanche Campground around 8 this morning (C told us we got him up too early and Q was her usual sunny self) and made it to Rising Sun Campground on the east side by 9:15.  I was hoping for some good morning light pictures of the mountains going up but it was gray and overcast.  I did get a couple of nice shots though.
 It's a good thing we made it to the campground when we did.  Rising Sun filled quickly after we arrived.
Making cairns while waiting for us to finish setting up camp:
We headed out of Glacier this morning to Johnson Campground to do some laundry.  We headed up to Many Glacier afterwards to get a feel for the place.  We spent some time in the lodge (one of the lookout rooms) drinking beer and huckleberry margaritas,
eating ice cream, writing post cards, and filling out junior ranger forms.  It was a great way to spend a cloudy, windy day.  The hotel had a nice ambiance.  There was a fireplace centrally located in the lobby with huge windows to look out on Swiftcurrent Lake and subtle music in the background.  It seemed like many people were taking advantage of the coziness. 

On the way out of Glacier we saw a bear.  People were saying that it was a grizzly but we couldn't confirm or deny that.
Headed home for dinner (kielbasa, wild rice, biscuits):
 Q calling in her order:
I guess she was hungry!
 Our substitute for showers:  wipe baths!
 Toe flossing!  (The kids really got a kick out of this)
It's nice to have a slow day every once in a while.

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