Thursday, August 30, 2012

Seven Mile Hike to Grinnell Lake

Drove to Many Glacier today to do the Grinnell Lake hike.  You leave the park at one point and this is the view of Glacier National Park from there.
 This was a flat hike with lots to see.  We went past Swiftcurrent Lake, Lake Josephine,
and part of Cataract Creek before making it to Grinnell Lake.  If you want, there is a boat shuttle service across the first two lakes but we are glad we didn't use it.  It would have been $75 for the four of us and the kids ended up making the whole seven mile hike without a problem. 

The wildflowers were abundant and unique:
At times the vegetation was taller than the kids.  I was wondering what they could possibly be looking at.  The kids made it through the hike by playing the 'would you rather' game.  For example, would you rather eat a juicy hamburger or eat a bowl of fruit.  It was amazing how long this kept them going and how creative we had to be to keep this going.
We made it to the gorgeous lake and had lunch.
 This was only the second time on this trip I got them to both nap!  I need to keep making them do seven mile hikes I guess!
Hike: Grinnell Lake
Trails Used:  Grinnell Lake
Distance: 7.49 miles
Difficulty: Easy (for adults anyhow)
Overall average: 2.1 mph
Overall Time: 3 hrs, 35 mins
Total Ascent: 1723 ft.  (I don't know if this was right, it seemed very flat)
My garbage man:
View from our campground:
We headed over to Saint Mary Lake after dinner:
The kids messed around on some driftwood and had fun finding unique looking rocks:
Look at those crazy hiking socks!

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