Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sad...our last day in Glacier!

Hiked down to St. Mary Falls.  The water was a beautiful blue color (like Mexico) that comes from glacial lakes. 
Then we headed to Virginia Falls. 
We weren't expecting a falls this impressive. We were glad that we made the trip!
One of my favorite pictures:
Hike: St. Mary and Virginia Falls
Trails Used:  St. Mary Falls to Virginia Falls and back
Distance: 4.04 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Overall average: 1.9 mph
Overall Time: 2 hrs, 07 mins
Total Ascent: 1111 ft.
Finished up our Junior Ranger sheets:
Checked out Running Eagle Falls on the Two Medicine entrance:
 Hike: Running Eagle Falls
Trails Used:  Running Eagle Falls Trail at Two Medicine
Distance: .7 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Overall average: 1.6 mph
Overall Time: 0 hrs, 27 mins
Total Ascent: 211 ft.
Pretty area but I'm not sure the 2 hour (the more direct route happened to be closed that day-it would have taken off at least 1/2 an hour) drive there was worth it.  The East Glacier Park entrance was very cute. It's one of the better entryways into the park.
That night the clouds and moon were setting up interesting photo opportunities for me:
After all the talk of bears in campsites this ended up being the only wildlife we saw at Rising Sun:
Leaving the park the next morning:
Views of Saint Mary Lake:
Good bye Glacier, we will be back!

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