Saturday, August 18, 2012

Gem Lake

Headed up to Estes Park this weekend for a hike with the family.  We tried to do West Creek Falls Trail but by the time we got there (9:45 am) the parking area (only 10 spots or so) was full.  We had seen the sign for Lumpy Rock Trail head and Gem Lake so we headed there instead.  It was a pretty area with lumpy rocks (go figure)
and a pretty lake (small).

The trail was fairly crowded coming down but not too bad when we went up.  We had a nice lunch w/ a special 'cheezit chipmunk' (the kid's named him) who was quite aggressive in his search for food.

 While I was taking pics of him he was scrambling on my lens!  One of them was quite a porker!
After lunch we went climbing on the rocks behind us and had even better views.  The kids are like mountain goats and love to climb the rocks.
Hike: Gem Lake
Trails Used:  Gem Lake (Estes Park)
Distance: 4.07 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Overall average: 1.5 mph
Overall Time: 2 hrs, 47 min
Total Ascent: 1617 ft.

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