Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Canoeing on Jenny Lake

Agreed to another 'no hiking' day for the kids.  We decided to canoe (1.95 miles) on Lake Jenny instead.  It's a very pretty little lake.  The kids each had their own mini paddles and tried to do their own thing. When they got tired we would look under the water and grab on to logs that we passed.  They seemed to enjoy it.  We did have to lie and say that Q was five otherwise they wouldn't have let us do it. 
 We stopped for a little break to wade in the water and snack before we headed back.
 After the canoe, we passed the river area where I saw a family making cairns in the river.  I love cairns so I couldn't miss the photo op.
 The youngish kids were actually putting a ton of effort and thought into making them too.  They didn't just take the easy way out by putting the large rocks on the bottom and working their way up.
 I liked the play of the neighboring mountains peaks showing on this mountain.
 We did a Junior Ranger hike w/ Ranger Steven.  We ended up getting our own personal tour due to a misunderstanding but we heard lots of interesting stories about the Lake Jenny area that we might not have gotten otherwise.
 We came back to Jackson Lake in the late afternoon and took another dip in the lake and played w/ the rocks on the shoreline.

 Daddy out swimming:
 One of the few times we put Q down for her nap.  She sure looks comfy in the hammock!
 We needed to get this big, obnoxious piece of wood cut for the fire.
 The s'more before cooking w/ the pie iron:
 The after ooey, gooey, goodness:

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