Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Late to bed, late to rise

We didn't get started on our Avalanche Lake hike until 11:15 this morning.  The kids were troopers and went all the way up without complaining.
Once they saw the lake though they just wanted to stop.
Military mommy pushed them farther so that we could go to the end of the lake and have an area more to ourselves.  Luckily the troops had a good time sticking their feet in the water and getting refortified.

 I can now say that I swam in all three National Parks this summer. 
This water was pretty cold and I wasn't in for long but if it was between staying sweaty or kind of getting a shower, I was getting clean!

Hike: Avalanche Lake
Trails Used:  Avalanche Lake Trail
Distance: 6.91 miles
Difficulty: Difficult
Overall average: 2.1 mph
Overall Time: 3 hrs, 15 min
Total Ascent: 2193 ft.

When we were done we took the bus and headed up Logan Pass.
The rising sun road is just amazing.  Between the views, waterfalls, and just the construction/layout of the road you are in awe.  Glacier National Park is extremely picturesque!  We saw a goat on the way up and some sheep from far away.   On the way down we had to wait for a goat to cross the road.

C was enamored with the bus 
and Q fell asleep.  
Made it back around six that night with two very tired people. 

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