Friday, August 3, 2012

Tent Camping for 22 days, family vacation for 25 days

Tent Camping for 22 nights, family vacation (with a 4 and 5 year old) for 25 days.  Can we make it?  Will we still be sane at the end? 

Our Goal: tent camping at Yellowstone National Park, the Tetons, Craters of the Moon, Glacier National Park, and Mt. Rushmore over 3.5 weeks. 

Our photos and experience are covered in the month of August on my blog.  There are only two entries that aren't of our trip.  Enjoy!

The overall map/route of our trip:
  Left Ft. Collins, CO on a Saturday headed for Sinks Canyon State Park near Lander, Wyoming.
Got lunch (Taco Bell) in Rawlins, WY.
We made a stop at the Rawlin's Elementary School K-1 Campus.
It was a good stop where the kids could stretch their legs on the play equipment. We even saw this family of pronghorn's grazing on the tasty, green grass.

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