Thursday, August 16, 2012

A day in the life

A typical day in the life of us camping goes something like this...

Kids asleep still so
mommy goes for a run.
We have to dry our sleeping gear, tent, and tarp after the rain of the previous day (remember to always tuck your tarp completely under your tent!):
Breakfast of champions (oatmeal):
Putting a tarp on top of the cheapo Walmart (Ozark trails) tent and rain fly so our tent doesn't leak again (it's a good thing we never got a real rainstorm on this trip):
The kids chase each other around the tent with their sticks:
Driving to our hike we get some low level cell phone coverage so we give grandma and grandpa a call:
Lunch on the tailgate of the truck before we start:
What would a hike be without the family photo-op or C running away from the camera making faces:
Stopping to smell the flowers:
Post hike cool down watching a nature movie:
Getting dishes and food out of the truck for dinner:
Disposing of the day's garbage (yes, you do need to try and look in every single time):
 Pit stop before bedtime (realistically, I should have this picture on here 10-12 times at least per day.  I do believe I spent more time in the bathroom with the kids than doing anything else on this trip.):
Good night!

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