Thursday, August 30, 2012

Sylvan Lake and Reptile Gardens

Took a nice morning jog along Center Lake to the Grace Coolidge Walking Trail. This was made even better since I took a dip in Center Lake both mornings to cool off and to clean up.
Hike: Grace Coolidge Walking Trail
Trails Used: Grace Coolidge Walking Trail
Distance: 6.03 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Overall average: 5.1 mph
Overall Time: 1 hrs, 10 mins
Total Ascent: 918 ft.

After breakfast we headed out to Sylvan Lake down the needles highway.  It is aptly named:
 This is the view through one of the many tunnels you can drive through.
 Sylvan Lake is a pretty small lake with giant rocks to climb on.
Sylvan Lake is actually a reservoir with the large rocks acting like a dam and this little area being a real dam.
Hike: Sylvan Lake
Trails Used:  Sylvan Lake
Distance: 1.77 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Overall average: 1.6 mph
Overall Time: 1 hrs, 04 mins
Total Ascent: 462 ft.
After the hike we headed towards Rapid City and Reptile Gardens.
 We saw the Alligator show first and that was awesome.  The kids loved the presenter.  They have lots of alligators but they all seemed pretty mellow.  We toured the buildings for a little while before the snake show.  It was the same guy who was very good.  The kids were able to touch the python at the end.  It was extremely hot the day we went (95) so it's a good idea to bring lots of water and snacks to fortify the troops. 
 Cool tortoises that the kids could go right up to and touch.  The place is very cool, expensive ($43 for three of us since Q was free), and busy.
 After the gardens we headed back to the campsite for a little R&R.
That night we traveled to Custer to eat at the Dark Horse.  They had a great selection of beer and good food.  What more could you ask for?
 We headed to the Ice Cream Pie Shop after and the ice cream and pie we had was just as good as how cute the building was.
The bumble berry pie was delicious. 
 We went to this fort on our way back from Custer.  It was built to protect the gold miner's from the Indians.
 The kids had fun goofing around here:

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