Saturday, August 11, 2012

Little people make it all the way to the top!

The little people made it all the way to the top of Horsetooth Rock this morning!  I decided this week we were going to try and tackle this one while they were still in 'shape' from our camping trip. One did splendidly, the other did great in the middle but was a bit whiny
on either side of that.  It was overcast which was nice since it was a bit humid for here.  
 Prickly Poppy
Nothing beats a homemade rhubarb (fresh from the garden) pie for dessert after all that hard work!
Hike: Horsetooth Rock
Trails Used:  Foot Trail to Audra Culver to Bike Trail
Distance: 5.33 miles
Difficulty: Difficult (uphill)
Overall average: 1.6 mph
Overall Time: 3 hrs, 16 min
Total Ascent: 1657 ft.


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