Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Hidden Lake and Sunrift Gorge

Went for a run towards Johns Lake this morning.  Started on the cedar trail for a bit and then headed towards the lake.  I was pretty worried about bears since I was all by myself, running, and had no bear spray. Probably not the smartest but I wanted to maintain the shape I was in for entirety of this trip.

Run: Johns Lake

Trails Used:  Avalanche Campground to Cedar Trail, to Avalanche Lake Trail to Johns Lake
Distance: 4.91 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Overall average: 5.5 mph
Overall Time: 0 hrs, 53 mins
Total Ascent: 856 ft.
Started the morning off at Lake McDonald Lodge for breakfast.  Save your money and go somewhere good when you leave the National Park system.  This makes three for three of yucky meals in the National Parks!  This was by far the worst.
They had an inedible, rubbery, barely warm breakfast buffet.  Luckily, they let the kids onto our ticket ($13.70 each) so we didn't have to pay for them too.  Then I would have felt really bad.  It is a shame since the lodge itself has a nice ambiance. 
 After breakfast we headed out on the bus for Logan Pass.
The views 
from the top of Logan Pass are outstanding.  This mountain feature is called The Wall:
It was a cool and windy day to do the Hidden Lake overlook but we decided to go ahead with it.
The kids had a great time hiking through the snow, sliding on their butts, and throwing snowballs at each other.  It almost made them forget they were hiking.
We saw many mountain goats.
They didn't seem to find it worrisome that all these people were up there climbing around.  I got some great photos of everyone around the goats.
Overall, the trail was wet, snow packed, and busy.  The view was nice
but not too different from what we can see in Colorado so I don't know if I'd recommend the trail or not.  There are so many cool trails to do in Glacier I would personally opt for another.
Hike: Hidden Lake Overlook

Trails Used:  Hidden Lake Overlook Trail
Distance: 2.85 miles
Difficulty: Moderate (it is tough walking through the snow)
Overall average: 1.5 mph
Overall Time: 1 hr, 53min
Total Ascent: 680 ft.
When we were done hiking we headed down the east side of the pass for the first time just to check some things out.  We learned that the bus that was so awesome on the west side is awful on the east.  We ended up waiting 40 minutes in the cold wind at the top of Logan Pass before we finally were able to get on a bus.  We took it to the Sun Rift Gorge stop
and walked down to the Baring Falls.

Hike: Sun Rift Gorge

Trails Used:  Baring Falls Trail
Distance: .43 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Overall average: 2.0 mph
Overall Time: 0 hrs, 12 min
Total Ascent: 313 ft.
Had to wait another 20 minutes to catch the bus back up to Logan Pass.  On the west side it seemed like there were buses every 5 minutes.  C has still yet to figure out which way the binoculars go.
 When we finally made it home we had taco noodles.
We put the kids to bed and started packing everything up for the big move to the east side the next day.

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