Friday, August 24, 2012

Cascade Canyon

Day nine of camping with one shower, a couple of lake swims, some hairy legs and faces (Chris, not me!), and a bit of greasy hair.  The kids have lots of bumps, bites, and some scrapes but for the most part we are all sane and healthy.

Last night for dinner we had pie iron sandwiches.  I made them with hamburger buns, hot dogs, pepperoni, and Velveeta.  I'm not one for processed food but these were pretty dang good!  Cooked some potatoes in tinfoil w/ Lipton onion dip and ranch dip that turned out fantastic as well.

We picked up some donuts yesterday for breakfast this morning since we were doing our 'big' hike and wanted to get started early. 
We took the shuttle across Jenny Lake so that we could spend our time hiking more of the canyon that we hadn't seen and less time going around the lake tiring out the little people.  They seemed to like the shuttle too.  It ran frequently so you don't have to plan your trip around it. 
 We saw Hidden Falls, Inspiration Point, and into the canyon about 3 miles or so.  
At Inspiration Point a chippy was checking out Quinn and Cooper.  He really thought their snack looked good!
The canyon area was gorgeous and well worth hiking.
There were some cool falls way up high.
We turned around at one point when we were hiking back and saw a marmot following us down the trail.  I tried for a picture but was unable to get one.  We made it back to the campsite at 3, took naps (Q & daddy), I ran, then we all went to Jackson Lake for a dip to cool/clean off.

It got stormy looking in the afternoon but nothing ever rolled through our campsite.
 We wimped out and went up to the Lodge again for dinner.  We split a batch of the Signal Mountain Nacho's.  These were pretty good.

After dinner we headed up Signal Mountain Summit.  We saw a mama bear with two cubs, as well as a grouse.
It's a pretty scenic drive with great views.
We are leaving the Tetons tomorrow and are headed for Victor, ID.

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