Monday, July 8, 2013

Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop Trail

The view down the jeep trail is beautiful.  Views of Fletcher Mountain, Atlantic and Pacific Peaks are spectacular.  Rather quickly you run into old mining buildings and holes.
 The wildflowers as always are pretty nice.
Fairy Primrose
 A little ways down the trail you come across the old Boston Mine cabins.  We had fun exploring inside them.

The kids liked checking out the pit toilet of the cabin above.  

 Our lunch spot:
 Break Time!
 Bartlett Mountain and Clinton Peak:

 Clinton Gulch Dam & the Robinson Tailings Pond
 A last cabin before we looped around:
Hike: Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop Trail
Trails Used:  Mayflower to Clinton Gulch Loop Trail (within 5 miles of Copper Mountain Ski Resort)
Distance: 5.03 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Overall average: 1.5 mph
Overall Time: 3 hrs, 25 min
Total Ascent: 1229 ft.

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