Tuesday, June 25, 2013

So hidden you couldn't even see it!

We drove up to Wyoming today and visited Curt Gowdy State Park.
It's a very scenic area with melted marshmallow type rocks located between Cheyenne and Laramie.
After the first 1/2 mile or so of open, dry, hot land the topography got more interesting.
We found water, 

water bugs,
rocks to explore,
and cattle guards to cross.
I wanted to visit the hidden falls since the temperature was suppose to reach 90 today.  I thought it'd be a good place for the kids to dip in their feet.  What I didn't count on was the 20-30 mph winds that brought that temperature down to about 70 around the falls area.  The falls weren't even much at this time of year...barely a dribble that you had to look at from the side to see.
We shared our lunch area with about 15 kids from a day camp around Cheyenne.
I passed some time watching the clouds move quickly across the sky.
 It was still a great hike with beautiful flowers through pine and aspen forest.
Gold Weed:
Wild Rose

Common Mouse Ear:

Indian Blanket
Prickly Pear Cactus:

I couldn't let my daughter's outfit go unnoticed.  I love how she rocks her outfits on these hiking excursions. At least there weren't any tights this time!
Hike: Hidden Falls
Trails Used:  Stone Temple to Pinball to Crow Creek to Hidden Falls and back
Distance: Approx. 4 miles (no GPS that day)
Difficulty: Easy  (can get hot out there so start early)

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