Sunday, June 23, 2013

Biking 56 Miles through Rist Canyon and Masonville

Started at 6 this morning and had a beautiful but tough bike ride up Rist Canyon, around to Masonville and back home.  I saw 2 deer and quite a few other riders (lots of waving and encouragement from them).  Some lady even told me that she was impressed I'd made it so far with my bike (it's not an official road bike, but not a cruiser either).

I didn't really know if I could go that far going up so many hills so I enlisted the family to be my Sag Wagon just in case. They were suppose to leave at 8:30 and go the way I went so if I was too tired I could just stop whenever I wanted.  I had done 50 miles before but it was with an elevation change of 100 feet (no joke) and not this year.  I actually passed someone on a steep part!  I was feeling good once I knew I had made it over most of the hard part (Rist Canyon.) I had no doubt about my finishing at that point.  Lucky for me since I didn't see my sag wagon until the 50 mile mark! They had taken a nice leisurely morning and jeep ride.  I talked to them and a stop light and finished the bike ride.

I'm now ready for bed (it's only 2:50 pm) and quite sore.  Hopefully, a nice sleep tonight will reinvigorate me for tomorrow!

Bike: Rist Canyon
Trails Used:  Harmony to Overland to Bingham Hill to Rist Canyon to Masonville, to Harmony
Distance: 54.84 miles
Difficulty: Difficult
Overall average: 11.7 mph
Overall Time: 4 hrs, 42 min
Total Ascent: 3644 ft.

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