Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Bear Lake

The family went camping in Rocky Mountain National Park for the weekend.  We did a couple of hikes up at Bear Lake before we set up camp (Moraine Park Campground).  
The road out there is undergoing some major construction so we needed to take a bus to the trail head. 
Saw some wildlife out the window on the way:

Bear Lake:

Snacking and resting on the way to Alberta Falls.  Did you check out that hiking outfit?
Yup, that's a hole in her tights (that was there when she put them on this morning.)
Alberta Falls:
Reminds me of a 70's hotel painting:
Couldn't resist the rainbow:
The camping party:
Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins
Took a dusk wildlife walk and saw many elk!

Wall flower:

These hummingbirds were noisy and dive bombing bugs all around us.  Not a great pic but a great memory!

Finally, rest and relaxation.
(Notice-no little people in sight!) 

Hike: Bear Lake to Glacier Gorge
Trails Used: Bear Lake, Alberta Falls, Glacier Gorge
Distance: 2.91 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Overall average: 1.6 mph
Overall Time: 1 hrs, 45 min
Total Ascent: 313 ft.

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