Friday, June 7, 2013

Urban Hiking Mile High

We decided to take the kids down to Denver to see the 'skyscrapers' and explore the city a little. We'd been to Denver with them before but only to the zoo and museums.  We parked near the newish art museum and walked from there.  One of these days I need to stop in and check out their exhibits. The outside sculptures provided entertainment.

Our next stop was the park/mall area (Civic Center Park) around the State Capitol.  It has a huge homeless population so beware.  The kids didn't seem to notice them.  

View of Capitol from front steps.  They are currently working on the gold dome so we didn't get to see anything but a white cover.
The rotunda....again covered due to work.

Walking down the 16th Street Mall.  Taken before security told us we weren't allowed to climb on the sign.  Personally, it looks like something meant to be climbed!
Riding the free bus so we didn't wear the kids out.
Fun photo shot:
Going in the ?? building to view the city from above.
View from the ?? floor:  That's Coor's field.  
Mountainside view w/ Invesco Field.  A little Bronco's fan was made happy at the site of this.
For old times sake we stopped at P.F. Chang's for lunch.  I know there are some awesome places to eat but that use to be our treat when we went to Denver and we knew the kids would like it.

Lunch was made even more exciting by all the traffic and noise (see fire truck below) surrounding the restaurant.
On the way back to the car we stopped to view some major construction.
Downtown Denver
Trails Used:  Art Museum to 16th Street Mall, bus, walk back
Distance:  4.78 miles
Difficulty: Easy

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