Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Beach time @ Lake McConaughy!

This was our second time to Lake McConaughy (near Ogallala, Nebraska).  We had a great time relaxing in the sun, swimming, and hanging out with our friends!
Last time we camped in the trees but this time we were right on the beach.  We will have sand in our tent for the rest of our lives but it was great being that close to the water and even better that the weather cooperated for us.  We were worried a couple of nights after looking at the radar but both storms narrowly missed us.
It is necessary to have awnings/shade when camping out in the open.
Our makeshift tables:
Swimming was our first form of entertainment:

Playing in the sand was a close second:

The boys kept occupied with the 'Pennies' game:

 Some might say this was their first form of entertainment but I'm going to have to stick up for my fellow Greenies.  Apparently the Greenies (people from Colorado) routinely get their trucks/campers/boats stuck in the sand and need to get pulled out.  The Nebraskan folk take a seat, crack open a beer, and watch.  After an appropriate amount of time they just might get up and help out.  They get a good chuckle out of us Greenies!

 The sunset was beautiful one night.
 We were lucky to have a full moon while we were camping so I got some great pics of moody clouds/weather and the moon.

 The Swamp People:

Run: Near Sandy Beach
Trails Used:  NE 92 Scenic Hwy to Lemoyne
Distance: 6.14 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Overall average: 6.8 mph
Overall Time: 0 hr, 53 min
Total Ascent: 309 ft.

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