Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Rainy day hiking Reservoir Ridge

 It was a rainy, dreary day that aborted our originally planned hike by Rocky Mountain National Park.   We chose instead to do something closer to home in case the rain really started coming down.  It was a nice but overall unexciting hike that goes by Claymore Lake (above).  It's a rare day when it's this cloudy/foggy and just plain blah but once you live in Colorado you really start to appreciate these days (in Michigan...not so much!)

I couldn't let the latest and greatest outfit go by without a picture to remember it by.  And yes, these are still the same leggings with a hole in them!

Leave it to my daughter to spot this creature.  She is known for seeing/noticing insects that none of us would have ever seen.  Perhaps it's because she's the closest to the ground.  She was munching away on some pretzels perched on a rock and picked this out.  It was pretty freaky looking.
 Hike: Reservoir Ridge
Trails Used:  Reservoir Ridge (North Fort Collins)
Distance: 5.01 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Overall average: 2.4 mph
Overall Time: 2 hrs, 5 min
Total Ascent: 579 ft.

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