Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Fun things to do in Cheyenne, Wyoming: Paul Smith Children's Village

We headed to the Paul Smith Children's Village for our next round of excitement in Cheyenne.  I had no expectations and was more than pleasantly surprised but what we found.  Don't let the lame sign fool you (dated/70's looking-this is the designer coming out in me) this is a great place to take the kids and it's free.

 This 'river' crossing device was by far the kids favorite thing to do here.  I think they could have spent hours pulling themselves across the river.  The other great thing about this place was that wading in all the ponds was encouraged.  Nothing was deep enough for you to worry about drowning (unless you have small babies).

 This screw device was nifty.  The kids didn't think so as much as me but they did have fun turning it.  The exhibits were nice because the explanations were thorough but not long enough to bore your kids.  You could tell them a little or a lot based on their interest level.  The exhibits were also fun just for exploring purposes if you chose not to share anything educational!

 Lots of Interactive Exhibits:

 Noise Maker:
 Fanciful Chairs:
 Little people sized chairs and tables with indestructible games:
Beautiful flowers, plants, and grasses abound here.  The botanic gardens are right next door.
 Hot Wings Tatarian Maple

 Birthday/Sunset/Sunrise Calender:

 Lots of boardwalks dividing the water:
 Loved the look of this pergola:
 Pint sized willow tunnel:
 Water wheel:

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