Thursday, July 11, 2013

Big Boy Steam Engine & Miniature Golf to wrap up our outing to Cheyenne

The Big Boy steam engine located in Holliday Park (very nice park!-lighted tennis courts, two playground equipment sites, lake) was an impressive stop for the whole family.  I'm not into trains but this bad boy was huge!  It was used to go from Cheyenne to Ogden, Utah.

 Cookies give you a chance to take in the train and it's size! (and put smiles on everyone's faces!)
 Our final stop on the Cheyenne outing was at the Cheyenne Ice and Events Center.  This is actually located off the road in an industrial area so it took me awhile to locate it even with the GPS in the car.  I kept looking for mini golf....don't....look for the sign for the Events center.  We were the only people there that afternoon and the course was in great shape.  The kids had fun at their first outing even though we suspect the scores that were kept (by the little people) might not have been accurate!  Q even had a hole in one!

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