Monday, May 28, 2012

Rabbit Mountain Open Space

 Canada Thistle

Took the family down to Longmont today and hiked Rabbit Mountain Open Space.  We did not see any rabbits. We did see wildflowers,
Prickly pear cactus
Golden Aster
and had great views.
This hike is out in the open with very few trees so it's good to start early, go in the spring or fall, or go on cooler days in the summer.  There are a couple of different trails you can take of varying lengths.  We took the Eagle Wind Loop and were hoping to make it the whole way.  We could have if we didn't have prior commitments for lunch or if the kids weren't with us.  The views of the surrounding mountains are spectacular.  The Eagle Wind Loop trail has trees and  nice rocks to sit on or climb.

Hike: Rabbit Mountain Open Space
Trails Used: Eagle Wind Loop Trail
Distance: 2.92 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Overall average: 1.6 mph
Overall Time: 1 hrs, 47 min
Total Ascent: 501 ft.

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