Friday, May 18, 2012

Fantastic Friday!

It was warm and breezy this afternoon.  I was inspired to make a 'new' drink to go with the beginning of the summertime season (yeah, yeah...I know it's still over a month away, officially) but I wanted to have a drink and I wanted it to be different!  I'd bought some grapefruit from Sprouts a couple of days ago and we had some Breckenridge Vodka that we won in a tennis tournament (a year ago) that had never been opened (shame on us).   Seems to me that it was meant to be...a Greyhound night!  I juiced my grapefruit (2), a lime, zested the lime, added four shots of Vodka and let sit for 2 hours.  When I was finally ready for happy hour I filled a glass 2/3 full and topped it off with a little bit of Diet 7-Up (when having more than one drink one must watch the waistline!).  Perfection if I don't say so myself!

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