Monday, May 14, 2012

Soapstone Natural Area

Had a great sunny hike after a couple of days of dreary, colder weather.  We saw lots of pronghorn and deer (too many to count).  The flowers were just starting to come out.  They weren't as exciting as in the past but I usually don't come out here until June.  We did get a little 'lost' (a relative term since I knew my way back and had a GPS) but we definitely were off the trail for a while!  Either way we had a great hike through the prairie.

Good thing the deer have white butts or we wouldn't have seen half of them!
 The picture quality is awful but I couldn't resist since all 3 heads were looking at us.  This is when I wish I had my old Canon w/ the super zoom.

Hike: Soapstone Natural Area 
Trails Used: Mahogany to Pronghorn Loop to Sandwash Trail, got lost a bit, to Towhee Loop Trail
Distance: 10.03 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Overall average: 3.1 mph
Overall Time: 3 hrs, 12 min
Total Ascent: 1354 ft.

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