Friday, May 25, 2012

Invasion of the animals!

 It's spring and boy can you tell.  The rabbits have been humping, the geese have been humping, the birds have been humping! The wildlife in my backyard is going crazy!
Right now the baby bunnies are my friend.  They are cute when they 'sun' themselves in front of their 'home' (under my deck).
They are not so cute when they eat all my grass and it can't grow, when I have to put fences around my flowers (I'm not tolerant of plants that can't survive on their own!) to let them survive, and when I have to get dead bodies out of my window wells after they've plummeted to their death.  So far this season has been fine, only 3 babies, no deaths.

 I can't see you.  Really, I can't when you flatten your ears to your head and duck!  Those bulging eyes are VERY hard to see.
They're coming to get me!!!
These geese are about a half mile from us at a business park.  We've taken to biking up there a couple of days a week to check on their progress.  As you can tell by the above photo, a ton of people must be feeding them.

These geese are the latest round of babies (in the last 2 days) to hatch.
What they are doing by the front door to the office building is anyone's best guess!  The parents were honking up a storm too!  Like we humans had any right to enter or leave the building while they were taking their nap!  Too funny.  I can't wait to see if they are going to have more or not!
Later in the evening they had moved to this much more natural spot. (very sarcastic!)  They are in the concrete planter...I'd be interested to know how they got the two babies up there.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures. Very cute bunnies. I see some in our neighborhood, along with deer and chipmunks.
