Monday, June 4, 2012

Power Line Trail

We took the Power Line Trail (aptly named) today to the pool.  It was downhill on the way there and uphill back.  Don't do this trail in the heat of the day.  It gets hot quickly!  There aren't any trees along it so finding shade is difficult.  When in need of rest just sit in the middle!  I kid....I don't think the other bikers would appreciate this. 
There is a nice running path alongside the concrete for those people who don't want to wreck their knees and feet. 
Bike: Power Line Trail
Trails Used: Power Line Trail
Distance: 7.53 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Overall average: 4.5 mph (one child biking, one on tagalong w/ burly behind)
Overall Time: 1 hrs, 40 min
Total Ascent: 210 ft.

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