Sunday, June 24, 2012

There's smoke in the air...

Woke up @ 5:15 today (in order to avoid the 100 degree temperatures predicted for today) to do a 50+ mile bike ride.  I'm glad I was going east and not sticking around town.  The smell of smoke was overwhelming.  This was our second worst day since the fire began.  The wind finally stopped blowing last night so all the smoke settled in and is still making things hazy this afternoon.

 The bike ride was great.  The sun was just coming up as I started.  The hot air balloon was taking off in Windsor by Eastman Park.
This bike ride is usually a little shorter but there was a piece closed that probably added 2-3 miles.  My changed route took me by the Vesta's plant (wind turbine blades).  I had to stop on the way home to let this big daddy get out on the road. 
My changed route also took me by the Kodak plant.  I believe a small portion is still being used in the back area but part of the front was being demolished.  Their plant used to look like a lush golf course.  Those days are obviously long gone unless you consider the rampant spread of bind weed lush!

Bike: Poudre River Trail to Greeley
Trails Used:  Poudre River Trail
Distance: 57.67 miles
Difficulty: Moderate to Difficult (lengthwise)
Overall average: 13.2 mph (went the exact same speed as last year)
Overall Time: 4 hrs, 22 min
Total Ascent: 67 ft.

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