Sunday, July 27, 2014

Montgomery Pass & lots of butterflies (Rocky Mountain Parnassian & the Northern Blue Butterfly)

Views from the pass:
The Montgomery pass hike starts with a swampy muddy area (perhaps due to recent weather) then runs along a stream for a ways before heading up and up.
 The stream was a good place to get the mud off of their feet.
 The Indian Paintbrush were out in full force with almost every color available for your viewing pleasure.

Marsh Marigold:
 Cow Parsnip:
 Tall Chiming Bells:

 Bitter Cress:
 The saucy one and the rest of us made it to the top.
 I don't think I've seen so many butterflies/moths in the tundra before.  Look at the variety!
Rocky Mountain Parnassian

Northern Blue Butterfly (Plebejus idas):

Yellow Stonecrop:

 After the hike we stopped in the stream by the side of the road across from the parking lot to clean our feet and just relax.

 Yellow Monkeyflower:
 These strawberries were growing right next to the side of the road!  I didn't know they could grow at 10,000 ft.  I couldn't figure out why some bird or animal hadn't eaten them.

Hike: Montgomery Pass
Trails Used: Montgomery Pass around Cameron Pass
Distance: 4.33 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Overall average: 1.9 mph
Overall Time: 2 hr, 17 min
Total Ascent: 1152 ft.

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