Sunday, July 20, 2014

Snowy Mountain Range-Medicine Bow Peak Hike

Gorgeous lake, gorgeous wildflowers, fun hike.  That about sums it up.  Oops, I forgot to mention the 30 mph wind for the first half of the hike.  The last half was so pleasant I will just ignore the beginning of the hike even though there were great views,
and a girl with a yellow hat hiking through a field of yellow flowers.
We nestled in the rocks out of the wind for lunch.
More of those great views from the top.  We heard it was overcast due to the fires in Washington State.
It might have been the first time the kids hiked higher than 12,000 ft.
What goes up must come down!
 Little Red Elephant:

 Brilliant Indian Paintbrush, (Rosy Paintbrush):
Loved how these flowers curled under themselves, Avalanche Lily:
At the end of the hike we passed the CCC Latrine:
Makes me laugh that we are talking about the lasting workmanship of a bathroom!
Hike: Medicine Bow Peak
Trails Used:  Lake Marie Trail Head around to Lewis Lake Trail
Distance: 7.35 miles
Difficulty: Difficult
Overall average: 1.5 mph
Overall Time: 4 hr, 49 min
Total Ascent: 2028 ft.

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