Friday, July 11, 2014

Rode the MAX!

Finally rode the MAX downtown with the kids.  We biked from the house to the South Transit Center and locked up our bikes there.  The kids were disappointed that our first bus wasn't the extra long green one. My daughter kept telling me that we weren't on the 'MAX' yet so I was glad that we were able to catch the official green one on the way back.

You are able to have 4 bikes inside on the long, green buses and three on the outside of the other buses. Personally, I don't think that's enough since they were filled on our trip during the summer with CSU out of session.

After getting off at the Mountain Street Station we walked over to the Oak Street water feature, then headed towards the Clothes Pony/Dandelion Toys.  Stopped in at the Perennial Garden and found a water feature I must have then we checked out all the ice cream stores downtown.  The kids decided to go for Ben & Jerry's.
 It was yummy...but my Green Chili Beer at Coopersmith's was even better!

 We loaded back on the bus at the Mountain Street station and the kids had fun pretending to buy tickets.
 We did stop at the Spring Creek station to go over the couple of million dollar bike/pedestrian overpass.  The views were nice from the top.
 The views were nice from the top.

For our family this convenience will probably only be a novelty since it's 3 miles to get to the bus and only about 5-6 miles to get downtown.  It's far faster to just bike downtown for us even though it was a fun day outing for the kids.  

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