Monday, June 7, 2010

Soggy Shoes, Soggy Socks, & Cold Feet

Otherwise known as the North Lone Pine Trail! I decided to do something different this week. I'd never done this hike before and the next time I do this one I will wait until mid July or August. It's a pretty hike right next to a heavily flowing stream (w/ waterfalls) up in the Red Feather Lakes area. The trail actually meanders down springs and runoff making for the soggy shoes and socks condition I was writing about earlier. Even if it hadn't been so soggy my shoes would still have been wet and my feet frozen due to all the snow (knee deep in most places) I encountered later in the trail. Good thing I had my Gps w/ me or I would have given up much earlier since I had no idea where the trail even was once the snow started. I was determined to make it but did eventually turn around due to the conditions. When I do this again I will park at the North Lone Pine trail head, walk down Deadman Road, hike the Killpecker Trail and then meet up w/ the North Lone Pine Trail and finish back at the car. Funny thing is as I was leaving the trail I crossed a gate w/ a Forest service person who was blocking the road. Apparently someone had cut the rope keeping the gate closed and I wasn't even suppose to be in there (they were smarter than me and knew about the snow). Another thing to keep in mind is the elevation of this hike (starts at 9,000 and ends around 11,000 ft). I didn't notice this so I was very surprised to even see the snow. For some reason I was thinking that Red Feathers was lower than this. Live and learn!!!

North Lone Pine Trail
Distance: 16.75 Miles (the GPS cut out on me a couple of times)
Difficulty: Difficult due to length
Moving average: 3.1 mph
Overall average: 2.7 mph
Moving Time: 5 hrs, 16 min
Stopped Time: 55 min, 19 sec
Total Ascent: 3932 ft.
Maximum elevation: 7066 ft.

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