Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Bobcat Ridge

I went on an evening hike last night. It was 91 degrees when I started but ended up being a beautiful semi-cool hike. I went clockwise this time and did the Ginny trail first. I actually liked this way better even though it was 4 miles straight up. Whenever I end w/ the Ginny trail it seems like it will never end! It goes on and on! I didn't do very many photos. It was hard to resist taking photos of the many beautiful wildflowers I saw. Yes, I realize this is a thistle and not a wildflower but it was just so dang big and purple!
I was hoping to make it down before dark so I was pumping my arms and legs. A good workout but I'm tired today. I'm glad we are only going to the beach this morning! I did manage a couple of photos at the end when the sun was setting.
I even was lucky enough to see this buck (? points).
On the drive back to Ft. Collins I had to stop and take these pics! Horsetooth Reservoir was looking so nice and quiet! All in all it was a good hike!

Bobcat Ridge
Trails Used: Ginny Trial to Power Line Trail to Valley Loop
Distance: 8.73 Miles (the GPS cut out on me a couple of times, suppose to be 10.3 I think)
Difficulty: Moderate
Moving average: 3.7 mph
Overall average: 3.5 mph
Moving Time: 2 hrs, 23 min (actually, 2 hrs, 35 min if GPS didn't cut out)
Stopped Time: 4 min, 25 sec
Total Ascent: 1382 ft.
Maximum elevation: 6938 ft.

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