Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Grey Day on Grey Rock

I can't believe I was at the trail @ 6:20 am and the sun wasn't even shining. It was a gloomy grey for the whole hike. At least I was able to do the whole hike this time and didn't encounter any snow. That said....there were a ton of hikers when I went down. I did the meadows trail first, then the summit, and then the main trail back. I always forget how pretty the little 'lakes' at the top are. I actually did this hike the weekend of the 18th of June. It takes me a little while sometimes to post! I have to filter my pictures since I always seem to take so many!

Luckily, the wildflowers were out and about adding lots of color!

Grey Rock
Trails Used: Meadows Trail, Summit, Main Trail Down
Distance: 8.13 Miles
Moving average: 2.6 mph
Overall average: 2.1 mph
Moving Time: 3 hrs, 09 min
Stopped Time: 40 min, 27 sec
Total Ascent: 2484 ft.
Maximum elevation: 7533 ft.

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