Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Round Mountain

I went for a great hike on Mother's Day. The sun was out, the temperature was perfect, and I was alone. At least until the way down the hike. The hoards started showing up then! I forgot how busy this hike can be especially on a weekend. I'm glad I did it now and didn't wait until the peak summer season. If you want to avoid the people go early. I started at 7:30 a.m. and was done by 11:30. One downside to this hike (besides all the people) is the sound of traffic for the first 1.5 miles. It's all the traffic going up the canyon to Estes Park so it's not obnoxious but it's definitely there!
This hike is up Hwy 34 through Loveland. It's maybe 15 minutes past the town. Add ImageI had great view of the front range, Big Thompson Canyon/River, Long's Peak, and the Continental Divide.

However, you don't have these views the entire time. Long's Peak and the Continental Divide are saved for the top of the Summit Adventure Trail after you've done a major butt burner of a climb. The map says it's 4.75 miles one way but my GPS only had it at 8.58 total.

Now that my poor dog (Quincy) is unable to hike w/ me (old age, lack of interest, deaf, the list goes on) I get to see more wildlife than I've ever seen. This is neat but still saddens me...I miss my dogs! I saw a grouse (I need to check w/ some official birder's before confirming that) this time out.
Kinnikinnick was out and looking pretty w/ the bright red berries.

This flower was starting to open as I climbed up the mountain and...

totally open by the time I came down.

Hike: Round Mountain
Trails Used: Summit Adventure Trail
Distance: 8.58
Difficulty: Difficult (Butt Burner)
Moving average: 2.7 mph
Overall average: 2.4 mph
Moving Time: 3 hrs, 12 min
Stopped Time: 19 min, 51 sec
Total Ascent: 2676 ft.
Maximum elevation: 8473 ft.

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