Thursday, May 6, 2010

Horsetooth Mountain Park/Arthurs Rock

I went to Horsetooth Mountain Park today and hiked all the way to Lory State Park, up to Arthurs Rock and back to Horsetooth. It was loooonnnnngggg (16.75 miles) but it felt good especially after being cooped up in the house for 4 days w/ no exercise. There was a great view from the top of Arthurs Rock of Ft. Collins, Wyoming, and the plains.
There was an abundance of wildlife and wildflowers.
I even had a reminder of the big scary animals that live out here. It was spooky seeing what was left of this mule deer. But, hey, if you're hungry you're hungry! That white stuff in the photo is actually hair from the deer!
I ran across lots of seasonal streams and pools of water.
Hike: Horsetooth Mountain Park to Lory State Park
Trails Used: See Map Below, Horsetooth Falls Trail, Stout Trail, Sawmill Trail, South Valley Loop (Lory), Howard Trail (Lory), Mill Creek Link (Lory), Mill Creek Trail, Westridge Trail, Horsetooth Rock Trail, Service Road
Distance: 16.75 Miles (the GPS cut out on me a couple of times)
Difficulty: Difficult due to length
Moving average: 3.1 mph
Overall average: 2.7 mph
Moving Time: 5 hrs, 16 min
Stopped Time: 55 min, 19 sec
Total Ascent: 3932 ft.
Maximum elevation: 7066 ft.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. Beautiful pictures. 16 miles?! In comparison, I might have walked around the block that day.
