Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Rafting (AVA) the Colorado River in Kremmling, Colorado and a picnic lunch @ Ritschard Dam

The 'picnic area' at Ritschard Dam (Wolford Mountain Project) consisted of one and only one covered picnic table.  Luckily, we were the only people hoping to have a picnic that afternoon before our rafting trip down the Colorado River.  

The clouds started to roll in just as we began (1 p.m.-monsoon season).  We had thunder and big fat raindrops, a drop in temperature, and then we started.  About two minutes downstream we were clear of the bad weather, the cold area, and had a most enjoyable rafting experience!
Contrary to this picture Q was the first in.  I set her in and hauled her back by her life jacket.  However, T was by far the most enthusiastic about going in!
Then he showed us all how to take the 25' plunge!  Doesn't he make it look easy?
The girl who didn't want to ride a bike had no problem taking the plunge either! 
Since I put my niece in a bikini (even though she looks fabulous) on my blog and I'm sure I'll hear complaints about this I add this picture of myself to even the playing field.  Obviously I'm not too comfortable falling 25 feet.  Just not my thing!
 Fortunately, my husband looked almost as silly as me!
The little people even went off the 5' plunge!  Many kudos to my son who doesn't like water as much as his sister!

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