Saturday, August 2, 2014

Lions, tigers, and bears oh my at The Wild Animal Sanctuary

Before heading up the mountain we decided to do something that's been on my 'to do list' for some time.  We drove out to Keenesburg, Colorado to visit The Wild Animal Sanctuary.  I've always heard how wonderful a place it was and it turned out that it's true!  If you are expecting a zoo type atmosphere you will be disappointed.  The animals are in caged areas that haven't been 'fancified' like the zoo.  Remember this is a non-profit organization that takes animals out of awful situations and lets them live out their lives in peace.  A long boardwalk extends through the sanctuary above the animals in order to disturb them less and allow visitors a different perspective.  There are only a couple of areas with shade so be prepared if you go on a hot day.
We ended up going on a pretty warm day but we were able to see them moving around a little. 

Even though their surroundings are very primitive they do have concrete culverts, tires, and water areas to play.
The kids liked the sanctuary but all of them agreed that they enjoy visiting the zoo more.

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