Sunday, August 3, 2014

Hiking into the toxic forest...

sounds more exciting than the kids thought it was!  However, the adults managed to enjoy themselves.  The flatlanders did very well for their first hike starting at 9500 ft.  We were introduced to J's 'hiking face'.  I will have a picture of this on a later hike. Contrary to how she looked (tortured by her Aunt Jess) she did fantastic!
We ran across this abandoned snowmobile.  J had to get in some sisterly love!  Hopefully, Q didn't get any ideas.
 We found a great spot to hike up and watch the town's fireworks for the Fourth of July.  
We ran across some old mining cabins, equipment, and sites around the toxic forest. The seepage from the mining must have killed most of the trees around there.
 Heading back down we came across this cute little mushroom!
Hike: Middle Flume to the Toxic Forest
Trails Used: Middle Flume to Slalom to Middle Plume
Distance: 5.95 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Overall average: 2.2 mph
Overall Time: 2 hr, 39 min
Total Ascent: 947 ft.

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