Thursday, August 7, 2014

An Unusual Day @ Mohawk Lakes

We knew the weather was going to be iffy even before we started.  It's monsoon season and had been acting like it for the past two weeks.  We decided to give it a go anyhow since if you wait around due to weather in Colorado you'll never get anything done.  Another saying is "wait five minutes and the weather will change.'  We made it down the long, bumpy 4 wheel drive road only to be greeted by the sounds of thunder.  We decided to wait it out in the truck.  The kids hung out in the back, Poppa took a nap (he's like a dog and can sleep anywhere), and then it started to hail.  Luckily, it was only small hail so we didn't get any more dents on my poor red truck!
After 20 minutes or so the hail and rain stopped.  We decided to brave the weather.  There's a nice cabin part of the way up.
The falls are pretty!

Little Red Elephant:
This was the signature J face when she was ready to be done going uphill:

Our lunch spot:

Poppa and T went fishing on the far side of the lake...
and caught something!
The clouds were all over the place.

Star Gentian:
Mining hole:
King's Crown:
Indian Paintbrush:
Arctic Gentian:
Sheep fur:
One minute it was this beautiful:
and then it turned downright ugly.  We decided to high tail it out of there!
Hike: Mohawk Lakes
Trails Used: Mohawk Lake
Distance: 3.28 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Overall average: 1.3 mph
Overall Time: 2 hr, 36 min
Total Ascent: 1228 ft.

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