Tuesday, June 25, 2013

So hidden you couldn't even see it!

We drove up to Wyoming today and visited Curt Gowdy State Park.
It's a very scenic area with melted marshmallow type rocks located between Cheyenne and Laramie.
After the first 1/2 mile or so of open, dry, hot land the topography got more interesting.
We found water, 

water bugs,
rocks to explore,
and cattle guards to cross.
I wanted to visit the hidden falls since the temperature was suppose to reach 90 today.  I thought it'd be a good place for the kids to dip in their feet.  What I didn't count on was the 20-30 mph winds that brought that temperature down to about 70 around the falls area.  The falls weren't even much at this time of year...barely a dribble that you had to look at from the side to see.
We shared our lunch area with about 15 kids from a day camp around Cheyenne.
I passed some time watching the clouds move quickly across the sky.
 It was still a great hike with beautiful flowers through pine and aspen forest.
Gold Weed:
Wild Rose

Common Mouse Ear:

Indian Blanket
Prickly Pear Cactus:

I couldn't let my daughter's outfit go unnoticed.  I love how she rocks her outfits on these hiking excursions. At least there weren't any tights this time!
Hike: Hidden Falls
Trails Used:  Stone Temple to Pinball to Crow Creek to Hidden Falls and back
Distance: Approx. 4 miles (no GPS that day)
Difficulty: Easy  (can get hot out there so start early)

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Biking 56 Miles through Rist Canyon and Masonville

Started at 6 this morning and had a beautiful but tough bike ride up Rist Canyon, around to Masonville and back home.  I saw 2 deer and quite a few other riders (lots of waving and encouragement from them).  Some lady even told me that she was impressed I'd made it so far with my bike (it's not an official road bike, but not a cruiser either).

I didn't really know if I could go that far going up so many hills so I enlisted the family to be my Sag Wagon just in case. They were suppose to leave at 8:30 and go the way I went so if I was too tired I could just stop whenever I wanted.  I had done 50 miles before but it was with an elevation change of 100 feet (no joke) and not this year.  I actually passed someone on a steep part!  I was feeling good once I knew I had made it over most of the hard part (Rist Canyon.) I had no doubt about my finishing at that point.  Lucky for me since I didn't see my sag wagon until the 50 mile mark! They had taken a nice leisurely morning and jeep ride.  I talked to them and a stop light and finished the bike ride.

I'm now ready for bed (it's only 2:50 pm) and quite sore.  Hopefully, a nice sleep tonight will reinvigorate me for tomorrow!

Bike: Rist Canyon
Trails Used:  Harmony to Overland to Bingham Hill to Rist Canyon to Masonville, to Harmony
Distance: 54.84 miles
Difficulty: Difficult
Overall average: 11.7 mph
Overall Time: 4 hrs, 42 min
Total Ascent: 3644 ft.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Fern and Cub Lakes

The morning of Day 2 we headed out for a hike on the Fern Lake Trail.  The cousins know how to enjoy themselves!
We took a couple of photos as we waited for the bus:

The group starting out:
Break time!
Wild Rose:
Pin Cherry:
Oregon Grape Holly:
Lots of rocks to climb on and through:

Looking up from 'The Pools'.  We headed to Cub Lake at this point since the troops were getting restless and hungry.
Cub Lake Trail.  This is where the Fern Lake Fire was last year (hence the dead trees).
Lots of uphill to a certain point=lots of complaining.
Our two fearless leaders taking a 'mintspiration' break.  (Life Savers)
Charged back up we start heading down towards Cub Lake and lunchtime!

Almost there!
After lunch...playtime

We get it, we get it....enough hiking already!
View looking back towards Cub Lake Trail:
Golden Banner:
Shooting Star:

Recharging w/ watermelon and Cheetos!
How does mommy relax?
Dirty anyone?  (These kids look rough!)

Hike: Fern Lake Pools to Cub Lake
Trails Used:  Fern Lake Trail, Cub Lake Trail
Distance: 6.39 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Overall average: 1.8 mph
Overall Time: 3 hrs, 39 min
Total Ascent: 968 ft.
I did a run each morning.  Even saw a moose the first morning.  There's not a better way to start your morning than that!
Trail Run: Fern Lake Pools
Trails Used:  Fern Lake Trail, Cub Lake Trail
Distance: 6.08 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Overall average: 6.0 mph
Overall Time: 1 hrs, 00 min
Total Ascent: 398 ft.
I decided to see the Fern Lake Falls since we got so close to them with the kids.  Sure wished I had my camera because the sun was awesome so early in the morning and there was a giant rainbow!
Trail Run: Cub Lake to Fern Lake Falls 
Trails Used:  Cub Lake Trail to Fern Lake Trail and Back
Distance: 8.85 miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Overall average: 4.8 mph
Overall Time: 1 hrs, 49 min
Total Ascent: 1378 ft.