Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mountain Biking/Hiking Trail by Horsetooth

On the President's Day weekend we all went for another hike. This time we did one w/ views of Horsetooth Reservoir. Normally, in the summer, we wouldn't be able to walk this trail due to rattlesnakes. This is the perfect time of year to enjoy this hike. We had a picnic lunch to get energized for the last part of the hike. The views were fantastic but it could have been a little sunnier!

 Looking at this elevation chart makes me laugh.  Daddy kept telling the kids we were on our last you can see there were a lot of 'last' hills!  When doing anything athletic with Daddy I've learned that nothing he will tell you about distance, last anything, etc. is ever right.  It will always be longer and harder than what he wants you to believe!
Hike: Horsetooth Hiking/Biking Trail
Trails Used: ?
Distance: 2.67 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Moving average: 1.2 mph
Moving Time: 2 hrs, 17 min
Total Ascent: 633 ft.

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