Thursday, January 5, 2012

65 degrees in January....

What does that make me think of? Sun, fresh garden veggies, and margaritas. I was going to post these pics this summer but: I was too busy, I was having too much fun to go inside and work on the computer, or I was plain lazy. Take your pick...any of those excuses would work.

On the bright side this gives me something to post when everyone is experiencing the doldrums of the winter months. I can let everyone dream of grilled pizza (home made crust) with Sun Gold & Italian Ice tomatoes (home grown), falafel, feta cheese, and a peanut/soy sauce. That's the picture above.

Not your taste?...I'll try again:

How about a grilled pizza (home-made crust) with Sun Gold & Italian Ice tomatoes (home grown), banana peppers (home grown), basil pesto sauce (home-made, fresh basil from garden) , and blue cheese?
I admit I was spoiled this summer. My lunches consisted of whatever type of pizza I could create from my garden. Due to our Indian summer I was able to keep the pizza's going until early October. Fresh pesto (pictured below) was a mainstay in most of the pizza's I constructed.
When I wasn't eating pizza I was eating grilled kale, kohlrabi, zucchini pie, hamburgers (beef from South Dakota), and freshly cut tomatoes. All of the veggies seen here are from my garden. My taste buds are salivating!
Another favorite, of course, is your good old BLT (mine might be a little different from your version...I'm a big fan of blue cheese), South Dakota bacon (look how thick that is!), BBQ sauce and mayo, spring greens, kale, and roasted kohlrabi.

Well now I'm off to cook dinner and I'm a bit disappointed. It's not going to be anywhere near as good as dinner this summer! Bummer!!

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