Sunday, January 29, 2012

Carter Lake

It was a pretty day for a hike albeit windy.  We were tucked on the edge of the woods along the reservoir for the most part so we didn't have to deal with the wind until the end.  The kids were on fire (speed-wise) today because we had some friends with us that had kids.  I think we should invite them along every time!  As you can see below there were tons of rocks along the reservoir.  These were great for the kids to throw into the water.
 Some enterprising individuals even built benches and chairs out of this rock so we hung out there for awhile.
With 4 adults and 4 kids tromping through the forest we were able to see three deer (only 2 pictured).  They must be pretty tame.  Unfortunately my zoom isn't as good on my new camera as my old one was so this is the best picture I can get.
This picture made me laugh.  My daughter looks like a giant tick!

Hike: Carter Lake
Trails Used: Started at North Pines Campground and used the Sundance Trail and ended at the South Shore Campground
Distance: 3.62 miles
Difficulty: Easy
Overall average: 1.4 mph
Overall Time: 2 hrs, 37 min
Total Ascent: 822 ft.

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