Sunday, May 1, 2011

Kind of a stinky, gray day again. It was around 45-50 degrees and looked like it was about to rain the whole time. It was still an enjoyable, butt burning hike. We saw Pasque flowers, some small pink flowers and these white flowers. Of course when I have time I will come back and name them! ;) On the drive back home we saw a whole herd of elk grazing by Loveland on Hwy 34. They were very shaggy looking! If I had a camera that would work for me I would have taken more pictures and definitely some of the elk! Maybe next time.

Hike: Round Mountain

Trails Used: Summit Adventure Trail
Distance: 8.58, but my GPS only recorded 7.7 miles of this, another source says 9.1
Difficulty: Difficult (Butt Burner)
Moving average: 2.4 mph
Moving Time: 4 hrs, 12 min
Total Ascent: 2707 ft.
Maximum elevation: 8499 ft.

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