Saturday, May 7, 2011

Red Mountain

Finally, spring is here! As I was just typing this in I was thinking about what a wonderful hike I had and then...I felt something creepy crawly on my arm. Ewww....a tick! That's a first for around here. I'm going to have to go take a shower!

I feel much better and I'm tick free! :) Anyhow...about this 'wonderful' hike I took. I went way out to Red Mountain today. It's closer to Cheyenne than it is to us but is considered part of the Ft. Collins open space. Ewww...I wonder how long this creepy crawly feeling is going to last. I'm feeling imaginary bugs crawling on me (at least I hope that's what they are!)

The drive to Red Mountain is long but fun. You are out in the boonies and spend about the last 7 miles on dirt roads. It is an open range so I saw TONS of cows and baby calves. One was even standing in the middle of the road nursing!
I saw a couple of pronghorn from way off running. On the way home I even got to see a couple of bison. Not bad for 'wildlife.'
I started off on the Bent Rock trail and did a loop. It was only about 2.5 miles long and started off in a pleasant canyon w/ a stream running through it.
The buds were just coming out on a lot of the vegetation.
The wildflowers were starting to come out along the Bent Rock Trail:
I'm thinking it would be a fun place for the kids to go on Memorial Day weekend. A small hike and then grill out at the covered picnic area w/ this cool sign.
Everything is pretty much 'red' at Red Mountain except for a small section on the Bent Rock Trail. There is rock that looks like chalk.
I also saw many cool geological features/formations along the way.

After that I headed to the rising sun trail and headed off to the Cheyenne Rim Trail to end at the Overlook Trail.

I saw lots of wildflowers along the way:
The view at the overlook was really nice. Plains, foothills, and snow capped mountains all rolled into one.
I even found the marker for the top.
I came down the same way and then cut back through the Big Hole Wash Trail. It is most definitely a wash: Lots of gravel and few plants.

Red Mountain
Trails Used:
Distance: 11.2 Miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Moving average: 3.6 mph
Moving Time: 3 hrs, 25 min
Total Ascent: 1899 ft.
Maximum elevation: ft. 7190 ft.
Satellite View of Hike:
Elevation/Time of Hike:

1 comment:

  1. There are some magnificent pictures here. I hope your weather clears up so you can take your camera on your next trip.
