Saturday, April 23, 2011

Horsetooth Mountain Park

Went for a hike today hoping it was going to be a pleasant day. It was but the weather sure didn't cooperate. It was 35 and snowing (yes, snowing on April 23rd) when I started and 37 and snowing when I stopped. I was dressed for the weather so it didn't make much of a difference except for my mood: Gloomy! I got to use my new GPS watch (very cool) and tried to take at least one picture today but I forgot to charge my battery in the camera (duh!) I did see 3 mule deer hiking and 3 by the side of the road as I was leaving. I really didn't see much else since my hat was blocking the view and my eyes were locked on the ground! Hopefully, my next post will have much better pictures (or at least one :) ).

Horsetooth Mountain Park
Trails Used: Foot Travel Path to Horsetooth Rock, Wathan to Westridge, Spring Creek Trail, Horsetooth Falls Trail
Distance: 7.12 Miles
Difficulty: Moderate
Moving average: 3.2 mph
Moving Time: 2 hrs, 13 min
Total Ascent: 2259 ft.
Maximum elevation: 7132 ft.

1 comment:

  1. You need to get a solar-powered battery charger, if they exist. Wouldn't that be great?!
