Saturday, April 9, 2011

Bobcat Ridge

What a morning. I started out at Lamar's Donuts w/ the family and my good old standby 'The Glazed Old Fashioned.' (It's possible there might have been more than 1) What better way to cap off eating 500+ calories? Go for a rigorous 12 mile hike. Some people might not jump to that conclusion but I'm telling you this was one of those beautiful Colorado sunny days when you just want to soak the rays into your skin.
What a beautiful day for a hike! It was 42 degrees when I started and 62 when I ended. Sunny w/ a light wind. I started off by going to the historic cabin. It had some cool plows behind it that you can see through the windows if you look carefully.

I thought for awhile that the only 'flora' picture I was going to have was a dandelion but once I made it to Mahoney Park I saw some Pasque flowers just coming up.
I saw all these birds circling in the sky. Something good must have been down below. Maybe they even thought I looked good to eat! Who knows!!
I even saw this pretty pink flower. Just the one over the entire hike.
I did see some prints and poop but no deer.
I was just finishing up the hike when I passed a horse and rider and the horse let out a 'neigh'. It was the perfect end to my morning.

Bobcat Ridge
Trails Used: Valley Loop to Historic Cabin, up to DR Trail, Ginny Trail back down
Distance: 12.25 Miles (GPS crapped out once, so this is an estimation)
Difficulty: Moderate
Moving average: 3.8 mph
Overall average: 3.6 mph
Moving Time: 3 hrs, 10 min
Stopped Time: 8 min, 18 sec
Total Ascent: 1692 ft.
Maximum elevation: 7003 ft.


  1. The rocky outcrop with the birds overhead looks desolate and barren -- was there a fire?
