Saturday, November 13, 2010

Picture Rock Trail (Heil Valley Ranch)

This post took almost a month to get around to so it was an October hike not November. It was an overcast fall day. The scenery was still pretty with much to be seen. This ranch is old farm property that still has a silo,
farm equipment,
automobiles (albeit not functional),

and even some old masonry work w/ flagstones. However, I didn't get a picture of this. The views were long and unobstructed. The trail itself was very quiet that day. I saw a couple of mountain bikers near the end but that was it. I guess people don't like hiking when the weather isn't warm and beautiful!
I was able to see quite a few mule deer who were very unconcerned w/ me.
and some far off turkeys!
The best part of the day was the 90 minute massage following the hike. If only I could get one of those every time I went hiking. I would be in the best shape of my life! :)

Picture Rock Trail (Heil Valley Ranch)
Trails Used: Pronghorn Loop Starting at far Entrance Gate
Distance: 10.6 Miles
Difficulty: Easy
Moving average: 3.5 mph
Overall average: 3.3 mph
Moving Time: 3 hrs, 02 min
Stopped Time: 12 min, 47 sec
Total Ascent: 759 ft.
Maximum elevation: 6377 ft.

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