Saturday, November 20, 2010

Crosier Mountain

It was a strange day for a hike. It was 30 degrees when I left the house. I dressed warmly: long underwear, fleece, 2 layers of gloves, gator, and hat. I didn't check the temperature when I got out of the car but assumed it would be much colder than at my house. I hiked about a quarter of a mile before I was badly needing to disrobe. Granted I was partly hot due to the steep incline of the trail, however, I was waaaayyyy over dressed. Turns out when I got back to the car it was 56 degrees! I believe that you would call this type of weather an inversion. But don't be fooled, just because it was warm doesn't mean it was fantastic weather. The wind was blowing 30 mph the whole time!

Overall, it was a pleasant trail. It was completely uphill to the top. I thought I was in pretty good shape before doing this trail but have now realized that I'm not or my little bit of sickness that I have slowed me down. I'm going to believe that it was sickness! I didn't see much for wildlife this outing but did see this neat seed on this shrub.
This is a view towards Drake, CO where it was 16 degrees cooler and only 5 miles east.
There was interesting weather to be seen throughout the hike. Mountains were encased in clouds or were to be seen peaking out above the clouds.
The views at the top of the trial of the Long's Peak mountain range were fabulous!

Crosier Mountain Trail
Trails Used: Crosier Mountain
Distance: 7.86 Miles
Difficulty: Difficult
Moving average: 3.3 mph
Overall average: 2.6 mph
Moving Time: 2 hrs, 24 min
Stopped Time: 37 min, 58 sec
Total Ascent: 2568 ft.
Maximum elevation: 9234 ft.

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! It's nice to see you back to posting your outdoor adventures. Thanks.

